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NASA's Perseverance Rover to use AI for Mars Exploration - In Bulletin

 NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover a mind-blowing technological advancements in space exploration, which now uses artificial intelligence (AI). This technological advancement is transforming how scientists study the Red Planet, marking the first instance where AI is autonomously analyzing rock composition in real-time on Mars.

Explore NASA’s groundbreaking AI advancements for research on Mars with Perseverance rover’s PIXL instrument for mineral analysis - In Bulletin

For nearly three years, the Perseverance mission has been using AI to identify minerals in Martian rocks, a task traditionally reliant on human analysis. This breakthrough, known as "adaptive sampling," enables the rover to autonomously choose and scrutinize rock targets, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of scientific investigations.

The AI-driven system supports the Planetary Instrument for X-ray Lithochemistry (PIXL), a spectrometer developed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Southern California. PIXL maps the chemical composition of minerals across a rock's surface, crucial for determining if the rocks could have supported microbial life in Mars past.

"PIXL’s AI allows us to focus on significant scientific data without human intervention," explained Abigail Allwood, PIXL's principal investigator at JPL. "This capability accelerates our conclusions, letting scientists dedicate their efforts to other mission aspects."

Transforming Mars Exploration with Adaptive Sampling

Adaptive sampling represents a significant leap in Mars exploration. Positioned at the end of Perseverance’s robotic arm, PIXL uses a hexapod—six tiny robotic legs—to ensure precise alignment with rock targets. This precision is vital due to the large temperature fluctuations on Mars, which can cause slight expansions or contractions of the rover’s arm. The hexapod adjusts in real-time to maintain accuracy.

Once positioned, PIXL scans a small area of the rock, firing an X-ray beam thousands of times to create a detailed chemical map. This process allows scientists to identify key minerals such as carbonates and phosphates, essential for understanding Mars' geological history and its potential to support life.

"PIXL can adapt based on current scientific needs, making it a versatile tool," noted David Thompson of JPL, who helped develop the software. "Mars serves as an excellent testbed for these AI advancements, allowing us to refine the technology for future missions."

AI Beyond Perseverance

Perseverance isn't the only rover utilizing AI. NASA's Curiosity, located about 2,300 miles from Perseverance, also equipped an AI system that autonomously analyzes rocks using a laser based on their shape and color. Both rovers now benefited from AI-enhanced navigation and data collection, allowing for more efficient mission planning and execution.

"The goal of adaptive sampling is to sift through vast amounts of data to find the most valuable scientific insights, maximizing the mission’s efficiency," said Peter Lawson, who led the implementation of adaptive sampling at JPL before retiring.

Future Implications of AI in Space Exploration

As our missions goes deeper into the solar system, the need for autonomous operations becomes difficult due to longer communication delays. AI technologies tested on Mars are signalling us the way for more self-sufficient space exploration, enabling missions to conduct sophisticated science independently.

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Mission Overview

Perseverance launched on July 30, 2020 with primary mission on Mars includes astrobiology, focusing on searching for signs of ancient microbial life. The rover will characterize Mars geology and past climate, essential steps in preparing for future human exploration. The data collected by Perseverance will aid in NASA’s Mars Sample Return campaign, a collaborative effort with the European Space Agency to bring Martian samples back to Earth for detailed analysis.

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Perseverance is a part of NASA's broader Moon to Mars exploration approach, which includes the Artemis missions to the Moon, designed to lay the groundwork for human missions to Mars. For more deep space study & exploration, stay tuned with "In Bulletin".


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